Introducing: Monthly Puzzle Packs!
You want more puzzles? Well, you're gonna get them!

Since releasing Puzzling Places to the world on Quest and PlayStation VR (as well as Pico Neo 3 in China), our number one request from all of you has been: GIVE US MORE PUZZLES!
We, of course, would like to both be able to release new puzzles frequently but at the same time, take the time to experiment on new kinds of puzzles without rushing to release them. As we’ve shown in our Dev Chats, a LOT of time needs to go into polishing a puzzle to have a fun, 400-piece puzzle.
Today, we’re happy to announce that we’re going to do both - you’re going to have your cake and eat it too!
Moving forward, every month, we’re going to release a Monthly Puzzle Pack which will include 4-6 puzzles while at the same time, working on special Premium Puzzle Packs that will continue to push the boundaries of Puzzling Places.
So, what are the differences between the Monthly and the Premium packs? Here are some attributes to consider:

Monthly Puzzle Packs:
- Puzzle count: Typically 6 puzzles per pack
- Price: 5 USD for 6 puzzles.
- Piece count: Some will be limited to max. 200 pieces, some 400 pieces - depending on the 3d scan quality & overall fun!
- Variety packs: packs will contain a wide range of puzzles (although sometimes they’ll also be thematic!)
- Basic Audio: simple audio soundscape templates (city soundscapes, nature, mechanical, mountainous, etc) which we’ll be re-using throughout various monthly puzzle packs.
- Release cadence: once a month!
Premium Puzzle Packs:
- Puzzle count: Typically 4 puzzles per pack
- Price: 5 USD for 4 puzzles.
- Piece count: typically max. 400 pieces.
- Thematic Packs: almost every pack will be centered around a main theme or location, with storytelling being a central focus on the pack.
- Premium Audio: custom soundscapes and regional-specific sound effects for all puzzles.
- Release cadence: once every 2-3 months (sometimes longer, sometimes shorter).
Our goal here is to give you all puzzles to play on a regular basis while at the same time, having our “Super Special Premium Puzzle-Making Squad” be able to take time to experiment and craft rich, intricate and novel experiences through these puzzles.
All puzzles released so far in Puzzling Places will be marked as Premium because they all include custom soundscapes as well as 400 pieces puzzles. The future Premium puzzle packs will continue to push on those boundaries to include new, unannounced features. We’ll be sharing more info on Premium puzzles soon!
To long-time fans of the Puzzling Places Patreon, the monthly puzzle packs will feel familiar in the sense that they’re self-contained, fun puzzles to play on a weekly basis. However, here, we’re also including 25, 50, 100, 200 and sometimes 400 pieces versions of the puzzles. While they won’t feature the same custom-made, localized sound effects as the premium puzzles, they will each come with a matching audio ambience.
We’ll be announcing and releasing the first Monthly Puzzle Pack next week!
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook or join our Discord server to get notified when it’s out!